My friends: CedricVonSaberhagen and OswynVandyse.
Looking for a ship
We are in Ilmwatch. We head to the docks to secure passage on a ship. We book passage, and take lodgings with a local iron monger for a couple of days while we wait for the ship to sail.
The Trial
We talk to the authorities about trying the girl for witchcraft. They might not do it before we leave.
Next morning a page arrives summoning us and the girl to court. We go and defend her. The man from accuser shows up. We do well in the trial, but a Priest of Tyr declares her guilty? OswynVandyse detects that the priest is evil!
CedricVonSaberhagen demands that the priest shake his hand. Lots of dramatic back and forth. Finally, the priest makes a break for it.
Seize him (the noble).
We got a runner
We spread out to block the exits (some of the guards as well)
The lord exonerates the girl and grants her lands back to her. He also outlaws the man who testified against her.
Sailing Away
We try to get some items identified, but it will take too long.
We take ship the next morning with the tide. After a weeks time we land in Sharshel, and the captain says we will be here a few days.
We travel on to Hlammach, stay a day there.
Too Dangerous For You
We get our items identified (for 1 gem and 1 item). The wizard decides to take two items–because they are evil. We protest, and they give us a grip of potions instead.
log/2021.07.19.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/25 20:55 by sking