2021.07.25 Shipwrecked on Drow Island
A Dark and Stormy Knight
We get caught in a storm. The captain tries to find a sheltered inlet of some sort. We lose our mast and are forced to beach the vessel. This is on an island.
There are fire lights on the side of the large mountain at the center of the island (that's how we found the island in the storm). The tree line is quite far away. I setup a watch post in a high pile of rocks near the ship.
I realize the rocks I am in is a ruin of some sort.
Foraging party
In the morning light, we see more ruins across the cove. It is still lightly raining. The captain needs to send crew into the forest to gather materials. Captain can't get a fix until the stars are visible.
We accompany the foraging party into the woods, looking for a new mast.
Waylaid by Lizards.
Creatures advance and attack us
One charges me but gets stuck in some tree branches.
I shoot one and pull out by sword.
Creatures …
I miss
Smacks me with its horns and throws me against a tree, and I land prone.
Remaining Creature breaks and runs.
I throw a dagger, but it bounces off
Greet the Neighbors
Looks like giant lizards. OswynVanDyse rallies the sailors (they fled down the trail) and we eventually get the logs back to the shore.
We decide to go inland and contact the locals. It take several hours to get to the ?temole?.
We go to the entrance. There are two statues that cross halberds in front. CedricVonSaberhagen recognizes them as Drow! CedricVonSaberhagen attacks one of the statues.
I shoot a statue and it shatters.
I run up and miss baddly.
Flames from the murder holes.
I miss.
Statue htis
I barely miss
Statue misses
I miss
Statue misses, wedging halberd in the floor.
Enter the Drow Castle
We open the door and then enter the castle.
Go upstairs and look at the murder holes. Wander about a bit.
Drow Statutes
We find a bunch more drow statues (15!) and we attack them.
I hit one.
Statues get ready
We withdraw from the room
Statues …
log/2021.07.25.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/29 20:22 by sking