Return to the City
We get our loot identified.
We give the girl over to the church to reunite with her family.
Bad Dreams
We take sail again. No one is sleeping well. We are all having nightmares of evil, darkness and despair rising from the ground into the clouds. A tower jutting from the clouds. The Sailors have different dreams.
We are sailing directly towards our destination (Westgate), but after 5 days we are still ocean-bound and sleepless.
The plan is to get reinforcements from Westgate for the order of OswynVanDyse to retake our monasteries.
We discuss what to do with the Orb. Maybe it is causing our dreams.
Pirates! and Tower!
We are pursued by pirates for a couple days, and sail into a fog bank to elude them.
In the fog, jutting from the clouds is a large tower. Looks kinda familiar. The baily is flooded and large enough to berth the ship.
The Tower
We sail into the baily. The wall becomes solid. We are trapped.
The captain lets us off on the rectangular slab where the tower is. Tower is 200 feet tall. The slab is perfectly flat, not paved. The stairs are 3 times larger than normal stairs. The doors are made of metal and at least 40 feet tall. There is a massive sigil on each door. Even CedricVonSaberhagen does not recognize it.
CedricVonSaberhagen pushes the doors open. They swing silently aside.
Inside is a grand hall, lined with banners bearing the same sigil as the doors. The grand hall takes up the entire floorplan. There are 4 columns rising 50 feet to the ceiling. There is a large hole in the floor and ceiling near the center. There is a raised dais at the far end (about 20 feet above the general floor). The stairs down from the dais continue down below the floor of the hall. There are floating orbs illuminating the chamger.
Standing on the dais are a group of four figures cloaked and standing around a brazier of coals. The look at us, red eyes glowing in the shadows of their hoods.
They descend opposite sides of the dais and approach us.
Down the hole in the floor we can see the next level down. There is another hole, but we cannot see into it. The bas reliefs around the walls include dragon motifs.
We approach them on the right.
CedricVonSaberhagen: We don't seek trouble, but we will defend ourselves.
Them: Trouble you have found!
I miss with the crossbow
They hit us with magic missiles.
They charge at frightfully fast speeds (spd 18!)
I miss again
The other 2 leap up to me.
I get cut up pretty good
OswynVanDyse pushes one with his shield over the edge. Aieeee!
I stab one with my flametongue
The last hood stabs one of the bodies, and a red flame travels the glaive and seems to power him.
I crit the hood.
Hood misses
OswynVanDyse opens their hood with his swordtip. Red Skinned and scaled creature with otherwise human-like features.
Large black skinned creatures with red hair. Fire giants? 6 of them whatever they are. 12 feet tall, 6 feet wide. Cornfed, so to speak.
Fire Giants
I shoot the one in fancy clothes near the cauldron.
One throws a cauldron at us, but we all dive aside.
I hit once.
Miss a couple times.
One casts a spell
Fireball from finely dressed.
I hit caster once
Mage puts up a wall of fire sealing us in.
I shoot chanter twice.
Chanter heals skull destroyed (!)
I shoot fancy dress (fireball dude)
I shoot fancy dress (Crit)
Wizard can't act.
OswynVanDyse asks him what this place is? “This place is now ours, you will die here, manling!” Stab, death.