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Requirements Novice (1), Arcane Background (Weird Science), Smarts d8+, Repair d8+, Weird Science d8+, at least two other scientific Knowledge skills at d6+
Type Professional

These mechanical gurus are so technically savvy they can quickly build a machine to handle nearly any situation.

Once per game session, a gadgeteer can create a “jury-rigged” device from spare parts. The device functions just like any other Weird Science device, and uses any power available to Weird Scientists in that setting (though this is still subject to Rank restrictions). It has half the inventor's Power Points, and once these are used up, the gadget burns out and does not recharge. The inventor must have access to some parts and a reasonable amount of time (GM's call, but at least 1d20 minutes) to create the gizmo.

Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition p. 42

edges/gadgeteer.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/12 19:25 by admin