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Requirements Novice (1)
Type Background

Those born of noble blood have many perks in life, but often have just as many responsibilities. Nobles have high status in their societies, are entitled to special treatment from their foes, gain +2 Charisma, and also have the Rich Edge. This gives the hero several Edges for the price of one, but the responsibilities more than offset the additional perks. Nobles often have troops under their control, as well as land, a family home, and other assets. All of this must be determined by the GM, and balanced by the grave responsibilities the character faces.

As an example, a character in a fantasy campaign might have a company of swordsmen, a small keep, and even a magical sword he inherited from his father. But he also has an entire region to manage, criminals to judge, justice to mete out, and a jealous neighbor who covets his lands and constantly plots against him at court.

Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition p. 36

edges/noble.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/12 19:31 by admin