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Soul Drain

Requirements Seasoned (2), Arcane Background (any but Weird Science), Knowledge (Arcana) d10+
Type Power

Spellcasters, mentalists, and other arcane types in dire need of Power Points may use this Edge to drain energy from their own souls. To use this dangerous ability, the arcane character first decides how many Power Points he wants to draw from himself. Then he makes a Spirit roll minus the number of points he's trying to drain. (This is a free action.) On a Spirit total of 1 or less, the character suffers a wound and falls unconscious for 1d6 hours. On a failure, the character suffers a wound. On a success or better, the character gets the points he needed and may attempt to cast a spell with them immediately (they may not be saved).

Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition p. 41

edges/soul-drain.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/12 19:32 by admin